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560 lines
** $Filename: OGT/ObjectiveGadTools.h $
** $Release : 1.0 $
** $Revision: 1.000 $
** $Date : 18/10/92 $
** (C) Copyright 1991,1992 Davide Massarenti
** All Rights Reserved
#include <exec/types.h>
#include <exec/nodes.h>
#include <exec/lists.h>
#include <exec/memory.h>
#include <exec/tasks.h>
#include <exec/ports.h>
#include <exec/semaphores.h>
#include <exec/libraries.h>
#include <exec/io.h>
#include <exec/execbase.h>
#include <intuition/cghooks.h>
#include <intuition/sghooks.h>
#include <intuition/classusr.h>
#include <intuition/icclass.h>
#include <intuition/imageclass.h>
#include <intuition/gadgetclass.h>
#include <libraries/asl.h>
#include <proto/all.h>
#define OGT_LIB_NAME "objectivegadtools.library"
#define OGT_LIB_VERSION (1)
#define ASLREQ_OGT_CLASS "aslreq_ogt"
#define BUTTON_OGT_CLASS "button_ogt"
#define GROUP_OGT_CLASS "group_ogt"
#define LISTVIEW_OGT_CLASS "listview_ogt"
#define MENU_OGT_CLASS "menu_ogt"
#define MULTIWAY_OGT_CLASS "multiway_ogt"
#define PROP_OGT_CLASS "prop_ogt"
#define SCROLLER_OGT_CLASS "scroller_ogt"
#define SHOWLIST_OGT_CLASS "showlist_ogt"
#define SHOWTEXT_OGT_CLASS "showtext_ogt"
#define STRING_OGT_CLASS "string_ogt"
struct OGT_ObjectSettings
struct TagItem *Settings;
struct TagItem *PostSettings;
ULONG Parent;
ULONG Align;
struct OGT_ObjectLink
struct TagItem *Map;
Tag *Filter;
#define OGT_NOOBJECT ((ULONG)-1)
/* */
/* ObjectiveGadTools common attributes */
/* */
#define OGT_Dummy (TAG_USER + 0x2F0000)
#define OGT_VisualInfo (OGT_Dummy + 0x00) /* APTR */
#define OGT_LinkToAnchor (OGT_Dummy + 0x01) /* BOOL Default: TRUE */
#define OGT_Parent (OGT_Dummy + 0x02) /* Object * */
#define OGT_AlignToObject (OGT_Dummy + 0x03) /* Object * */
#define OGT_AppGadget (OGT_Dummy + 0x04) /* BOOL Default: FALSE */
#define OGT_TextFont (OGT_Dummy + 0x08) /* struct TextFont * Default: NULL */
#define OGT_TextColor (OGT_Dummy + 0x09) /* SHORT Default: dri_Pens[ TEXTPEN ] */
#define OGT_TextPlacement (OGT_Dummy + 0x0A) /* SHORT */
#define OGT_DrawFrame (OGT_Dummy + 0x0B) /* BOOL */
#define OGT_ClickRepeat (OGT_Dummy + 0x0C) /* BOOL Default: FALSE */
#define OGT_Activation (OGT_Dummy + 0x0D) /* ULONG */
#define OGT_Right (OGT_Dummy + 0x10) /* SHORT */
#define OGT_Bottom (OGT_Dummy + 0x11) /* SHORT */
#define OGT_SetPosHandle (OGT_Dummy + 0x12) /* USHORT Default: OGT_X_Left | OGT_Y_Top */
#define OGT_SetPosReference (OGT_Dummy + 0x13) /* ULONG Default: OGT_X_Left | OGT_Y_Top */
#define OGT_SetDimReference (OGT_Dummy + 0x14) /* ULONG Default: OGT_X_Left_Relative | OGT_Y_Top_Relative */
#define OGT_ScaleLeft (OGT_Dummy + 0x15) /* UBYTE Default: OGT_Fixed */
#define OGT_ScaleTop (OGT_Dummy + 0x16) /* UBYTE Default: OGT_Fixed */
#define OGT_ScaleWidth (OGT_Dummy + 0x17) /* UBYTE Default: OGT_Fixed */
#define OGT_ScaleHeight (OGT_Dummy + 0x18) /* UBYTE Default: OGT_Fixed */
#define OGT_FontXscale (OGT_Dummy + 0x19) /* USHORT Default: 8 */
#define OGT_FontYscale (OGT_Dummy + 0x1A) /* USHORT Default: 8 */
#define OGT_DomainXscale (OGT_Dummy + 0x1B) /* USHORT Default: 100 */
#define OGT_DomainYscale (OGT_Dummy + 0x1C) /* USHORT Default: 100 */
#define OGT_ResetAspect (OGT_Dummy + 0x1D) /* void */
#define OGT_DroppedIcon (OGT_Dummy + 0x1E) /* STRPTR */
/* */
/* BUTTON_OGT_CLASS specific attributes */
/* */
#define OGTBU_Labels (OGT_Dummy + 0x20) /* STRPTR * */
#define OGTBU_ActiveLabel (OGT_Dummy + 0x21) /* SHORT */
#define OGTBU_VectorImageDef (OGT_Dummy + 0x22) /* SHORT */
#define OGTBU_VectorImage (OGT_Dummy + 0x23) /* struct OGT_VectorImage * */
* OGTBU_VectorImageDef tag data values:
#define OGTBU_VectorImage_Radio (0)
#define OGTBU_VectorImage_Check (1)
#define OGTBU_VectorImage_Cycle (2)
#define OGTBU_VectorImage_GetFile (3)
#define OGTBU_VectorImage_ArrowUp (4)
#define OGTBU_VectorImage_ArrowDown (5)
#define OGTBU_VectorImage_ArrowLeft (6)
#define OGTBU_VectorImage_ArrowRight (7)
struct OGT_VectorImage
struct OGT_VectorElement *LayoutNormal; /* Could be NULL */
struct OGT_VectorElement *LayoutSelected; /* Could be NULL */
struct OGT_VectorElement *LayoutHitTest; /* Could be NULL */
SHORT PosX; /* A negative value means Central Position */
SHORT PosY; /* A negative value means Central Position */
SHORT AspectX; /* A negative value means a Fixed Size Image */
SHORT AspectY; /* A negative value means a Fixed Size Image */
BOOL HasFrame;
BOOL KeepAspect;
struct OGT_VectorElement
SHORT Action;
/* OGT_VectorElement.Action valid data (can be ORed together) */
#define OGTBU_Act_Move (0x0000) /* Move at position X/Y */
#define OGTBU_Act_Draw (0x0001) /* Draw a line from here to position X/Y */
#define OGTBU_Act_StartFill (0x0002) /* Begin an area fill */
#define OGTBU_Act_EndFill (0x0004) /* End an area fill */
#define OGTBU_Act_X_Right (0x0008) /* X is Right Edge relative */
#define OGTBU_Act_Y_Bottom (0x0010) /* Y is Bottom Edge relative */
#define OGTBU_Act_X_Center (0x0020) /* X is relative to central position */
#define OGTBU_Act_Y_Center (0x0040) /* Y is relative to central position */
#define OGTBU_Act_X_Scale (0x0080) /* if X > 0, then next X elements are scaled: realX = X * ImageWidth / X_scale */
#define OGTBU_Act_Y_Scale (0x0100) /* if Y > 0, then next Y elements are scaled: realY = Y * ImageHeight / Y_scale */
#define OGTBU_Act_Shadow (0x0200) /* Draw with dri_Pens[ SHADOWPEN ] */
#define OGTBU_Act_Shine (0x0400) /* Draw with dri_Pens[ SHINEPEN ] */
#define OGTBU_Act_Fill (0x0800) /* Draw with dri_Pens[ FILLPEN ] */
#define OGTBU_Act_Color (0x1000) /* X holds the color to use with next elements */
#define OGTBU_Act_Last (0x2000) /* Last element */
/* */
/* MULTIWAY_OGT_CLASS specific attributes */
/* */
#define OGTMW_Labels (OGT_Dummy + 0x28) /* STRPTR * */
#define OGTMW_ActiveLabel (OGT_Dummy + 0x29) /* SHORT */
#define OGTMW_ActiveMask (OGT_Dummy + 0x2A) /* ULONG */
/* */
/* SCROLLER_OGT_CLASS specific attributes */
/* */
#define OGTSR_ArrowSize (OGT_Dummy + 0x2C) /* USHORT Default: 16 */
/* */
/* SHOWLIST_OGT_CLASS specific attributes */
/* */
#define OGTSL_Labels (OGT_Dummy + 0x30) /* STRPTR * */
#define OGTSL_ListOfLabels (OGT_Dummy + 0x31) /* struct MinList * */
#define OGTSL_FileToLoadByFH (OGT_Dummy + 0x32) /* BPTR */
#define OGTSL_FileToLoadByName (OGT_Dummy + 0x33) /* STRPTR */
#define OGTSL_FontOfLabels (OGT_Dummy + 0x34) /* struct TextFont * */
#define OGTSL_HoriPos (OGT_Dummy + 0x35) /* LONG */
#define OGTSL_HoriTotal (OGT_Dummy + 0x36) /* LONG */
#define OGTSL_HoriVisible (OGT_Dummy + 0x37) /* LONG */
#define OGTSL_VertPos (OGT_Dummy + 0x38) /* LONG */
#define OGTSL_VertTotal (OGT_Dummy + 0x39) /* LONG */
#define OGTSL_VertVisible (OGT_Dummy + 0x3A) /* LONG */
#define OGTSL_UseNumPad (OGT_Dummy + 0x3B) /* BOOL Default: FALSE */
#define OGTSL_Freedom (OGT_Dummy + 0x3C) /* ULONG Default: FREEVERT | FREEHORIZ */
#define OGTSL_Spacing (OGT_Dummy + 0x3D) /* ULONG Default: 0 */
#define OGTSL_TranslateLabel (OGT_Dummy + 0x3E) /* struct Hook * */
#define OGTSL_ExtraRendering (OGT_Dummy + 0x3F) /* struct Hook * */
#define OGTSL_InsertLabelBefore (OGT_Dummy + 0x40) /* STRPTR or struct Node * */
#define OGTSL_ChangeLabel (OGT_Dummy + 0x41) /* STRPTR or struct Node * */
#define OGTSL_DeleteLabel (OGT_Dummy + 0x42) /* STRPTR or struct Node * */
#define OGTSL_InsertLabelAfter (OGT_Dummy + 0x43) /* STRPTR or struct Node * */
#define OGTSL_WorkLabelPos (OGT_Dummy + 0x44) /* LONG */
#define OGTSL_LockList (OGT_Dummy + 0x45) /* BOOL */
struct ogmsl_Node
struct Node ogmsl_Data;
SHORT ogmsl_Flags;
#define ogmsl_Flags_Modified (0x0001)
#define ogmsl_Flags_ReverseColors (0x0002)
#define ogmsl_Flags_UsePriAsColor (0x0004)
struct ogmsl_Translate
struct ogmsl_Node *ogmsl_Node;
STRPTR ogmsl_Text;
LONG ogmsl_TextLength;
struct ogmsl_ExtraRendering
struct MinList *ogmsl_Nodes;
struct ogmsl_Node *ogmsl_FirstNode;
struct RastPort *ogmsl_RPort;
struct IBox ogmsl_Domain;
ULONG ogmsl_TextScrollLeft;
ULONG ogmsl_TextScrollTop;
ULONG ogmsl_TextSpacing;
BOOL ogmsl_AfterText;
/* */
/* ASLREQ_OGT_CLASS specific attributes */
/* */
#define OGTAR_Type (OGT_Dummy + 0x50) /* ASL_FileRequest or ASL_FontRequest ONLY OM_NEW */
#define OGTAR_ShowSelected (OGT_Dummy + 0x51) /* BOOL ONLY OM_NEW */
#define OGTAR_FullFileName (OGT_Dummy + 0x52) /* STRPTR */
#define OGTAR_FontData (OGT_Dummy + 0x53) /* struct TextAttr * */
#define OGTAR_FilesSelected (OGT_Dummy + 0x54) /* STRPTR * ONLY OM_GET */
/* */
/* SHOWTEXT_OGT_CLASS specific attributes */
/* */
#define OGTST_Number (OGT_Dummy + 0x60) /* LONG Default: 0 */
#define OGTST_Label (OGT_Dummy + 0x61) /* STRPTR */
#define OGTST_Labels (OGT_Dummy + 0x62) /* STRPTR * */
#define OGTST_Format (OGT_Dummy + 0x63) /* STRPTR */
#define OGTST_Arguments (OGT_Dummy + 0x64) /* void ** */
#define OGTST_Placement (OGT_Dummy + 0x65) /* same as OGT_SetPosHandle Default: OGT_X_Center|OGT_Y_Center */
/* */
/* MENU_OGT_CLASS specific attributes */
/* */
#define OGTMN_Menu (OGT_Dummy + 0x70) /* STRPTR */
#define OGTMN_Item (OGT_Dummy + 0x71) /* STRPTR */
#define OGTMN_SubItem (OGT_Dummy + 0x72) /* STRPTR */
#define OGTMN_ImageItem (OGT_Dummy + 0x73) /* struct Image * */
#define OGTMN_ImageSubItem (OGT_Dummy + 0x74) /* struct Image * */
#define OGTMN_BarLabel (OGT_Dummy + 0x75) /* void */
#define OGTMN_NewName (OGT_Dummy + 0x76) /* STRPTR */
#define OGTMN_NewImage (OGT_Dummy + 0x77) /* struct Image * */
#define OGTMN_ShortCut (OGT_Dummy + 0x78) /* SHORT */
#define OGTMN_MutualExclude (OGT_Dummy + 0x79) /* ULONG */
#define OGTMN_Hook (OGT_Dummy + 0x7A) /* struct Hook * */
#define OGTMN_ClearMenus (OGT_Dummy + 0x7B) /* BOOL */
#define OGTMN_MenuStrip (OGT_Dummy + 0x7C) /* struct Menu * ONLY OM_GET */
/* */
/* LISTVIEW_OGT_CLASS specific attributes */
/* */
#define OGTLV_ActiveLabel (OGT_Dummy + 0x80) /* LONG */
#define OGTLV_Labels (OGT_Dummy + 0x81) /* STRPTR * */
#define OGTLV_ListOfLabels (OGT_Dummy + 0x82) /* struct MinList * */
#define OGTLV_FontOfLabels (OGT_Dummy + 0x83) /* struct TextFont * */
#define OGTLV_ReadOnly (OGT_Dummy + 0x84) /* ULONG Default: FALSE */
#define OGTLV_ShowSelected (OGT_Dummy + 0x85) /* ULONG Default: FALSE */
#define OGTLV_Top (OGT_Dummy + 0x86) /* LONG */
#define OGTLV_Spacing (OGT_Dummy + 0x87) /* ULONG Default: 0 */
#define OGTLV_ScrollWidth (OGT_Dummy + 0x88) /* ULONG Default: 16 */
#define OGTLV_ShowHeight (OGT_Dummy + 0x89) /* ULONG Default: font->tf_YSize + 6 */
#define OGTLV_FollowSelected (OGT_Dummy + 0x8A) /* BOOL Default: TRUE */
#define OGTLV_ToggleSelect (OGT_Dummy + 0x8B) /* BOOL */
#define OGTLV_InsertLabelBefore (OGT_Dummy + 0x8C) /* STRPTR */
#define OGTLV_ChangeLabel (OGT_Dummy + 0x8D) /* STRPTR */
#define OGTLV_DeleteLabel (OGT_Dummy + 0x8E) /* STRPTR */
#define OGTLV_InsertLabelAfter (OGT_Dummy + 0x8F) /* STRPTR */
#define OGTLV_WorkLabelPos (OGT_Dummy + 0x90) /* LONG */
#define OGTLV_LockList (OGT_Dummy + 0x91) /* BOOL */
/* Tags passed through IDCMP_IDCMPUPDATE & OM_NOTIFY */
#define OGT_ID (OGT_Dummy + 0x800) /* UWORD */
#define OGT_Object (OGT_Dummy + 0x801) /* Object * */
#define OGT_MouseX (OGT_Dummy + 0x802) /* SHORT */
#define OGT_MouseY (OGT_Dummy + 0x803) /* SHORT */
#define OGT_GadgetDown (OGT_Dummy + 0x804) /* BOOL */
#define OGT_GadgetUp (OGT_Dummy + 0x805) /* BOOL */
#define OGT_GadgetMove (OGT_Dummy + 0x806) /* BOOL */
#define OGT_GadgetRepeat (OGT_Dummy + 0x807) /* BOOL */
#define OGT_MenuUp (OGT_Dummy + 0x808) /* ULONG */
#define OGT_MenuItemUp (OGT_Dummy + 0x809) /* ULONG */
#define OGT_MenuItemSubUp (OGT_Dummy + 0x80A) /* ULONG */
#define OGT_AskedHelp (OGT_Dummy + 0x80B) /* BOOL */
#define OGTSL_HitX (OGT_Dummy + 0x810) /* LONG */
#define OGTSL_HitY (OGT_Dummy + 0x811) /* LONG */
#define OGTSL_HitLabelFromList (OGT_Dummy + 0x812) /* struct ogmsl_Node * */
#define OGTSL_HitLabelNumFromList (OGT_Dummy + 0x813) /* LONG */
#define OGT_Reserved1 (OGT_Dummy + 0x840)
#define OGT_Reserved2 (OGT_Dummy + 0x841)
#define OGT_Reserved3 (OGT_Dummy + 0x842)
#define OGT_Reserved4 (OGT_Dummy + 0x843)
#define OGT_Reserved5 (OGT_Dummy + 0x844)
#define OGT_Reserved6 (OGT_Dummy + 0x845)
#define OGT_Reserved7 (OGT_Dummy + 0x846)
#define OGT_Reserved8 (OGT_Dummy + 0x847)
#define OGT_Reserved9 (OGT_Dummy + 0x848)
#define OGT_Reserved10 (OGT_Dummy + 0x849)
#define OGT_Reserved11 (OGT_Dummy + 0x84A)
#define OGT_Reserved12 (OGT_Dummy + 0x84B)
#define OGT_Reserved13 (OGT_Dummy + 0x84C)
#define OGT_Reserved14 (OGT_Dummy + 0x84D)
#define OGT_Reserved15 (OGT_Dummy + 0x84E)
#define OGT_Reserved16 (OGT_Dummy + 0x84F)
/* Flags for OGT_TextPlacement */
#define OGT_Text_IN (0)
#define OGT_Text_IN_LEFTMOST (1)
#define OGT_Text_IN_RIGHTMOST (2)
#define OGT_Text_LEFT (3)
#define OGT_Text_RIGHT (4)
#define OGT_Text_ABOVE (5)
#define OGT_Text_BELOW (6)
#define OGT_Text_HIDE (7)
/* Flags for OGT_Activation */
#define OGT_Act_ToggleType (0x0001)
#define OGT_Act_ReportGadgetDown (0x0002)
#define OGT_Act_ReportGadgetUp (0x0004)
#define OGT_Act_ReportGadgetMove (0x0008)
#define OGT_Act_ReportGadgetRepeat (0x0010)
/* Flags for OGT_SetPosHandle, OGT_SetPosReference & OGT_SetDimReference */
#define OGT_X_Left (0x0000)
#define OGT_X_Center (0x0001)
#define OGT_X_Right (0x0002)
#define OGT_X_Pos_Mask (0x0003)
#define OGT_Y_Top (0x0000)
#define OGT_Y_Center (0x0004)
#define OGT_Y_Bottom (0x0008)
#define OGT_Y_Pos_Mask (0x000C)
/* Flags for OGT_SetPosReference & OGT_SetDimReference */
#define OGT_X_Mode_Free (0x0000)
#define OGT_X_Mode_Align (0x0010)
#define OGT_X_Mode_Center (0x0020) /* Only for OGT_SetPosReference */
#define OGT_X_Mode_In_Border (0x0030)
#define OGT_X_Mode_Mask (0x0030)
#define OGT_Y_Mode_Free (0x0000)
#define OGT_Y_Mode_Align (0x0040)
#define OGT_Y_Mode_Center (0x0080) /* Only for OGT_SetPosReference */
#define OGT_Y_Mode_In_Border (0x00C0)
#define OGT_Y_Mode_Mask (0x00C0)
/* Flags for OGT_SetDimReference */
#define OGT_X_Dim_Fixed (0x0000)
#define OGT_X_Dim_Relative (0x0100)
#define OGT_X_Dim_AsCoord (0x0200)
#define OGT_X_Dim_Mask (0x0300)
#define OGT_Y_Dim_Fixed (0x0000)
#define OGT_Y_Dim_Relative (0x0400)
#define OGT_Y_Dim_AsCoord (0x0800)
#define OGT_Y_Dim_Mask (0x0C00)
/* Flags for OGT_ScaleXXXX */
#define OGT_Fixed (0x00)
#define OGT_FontRelative (0x01)
#define OGT_DomainRelative (0x02)
/* */
/* ObjectiveGadTools common methods */
/* */
#define OGM_DUMMY (OGT_Dummy + 0x10000)
#define OGM_ERASE (OGM_DUMMY + 0x00) /* erase the gadget image */
#define OGM_GETREALBOX (OGM_DUMMY + 0x01) /* get the absolute position of gadget */
#define OGM_ADDTARGET (OGM_DUMMY + 0x02) /* adds a target for OM_NOTIFY */
#define OGM_REMTARGET (OGM_DUMMY + 0x03) /* removes a target for OM_NOTIFY */
#define OGM_RESERVED1 (OGM_DUMMY + 0x10)
#define OGM_RESERVED2 (OGM_DUMMY + 0x11)
#define OGM_RESERVED3 (OGM_DUMMY + 0x12)
#define OGM_RESERVED4 (OGM_DUMMY + 0x13)
#define OGM_RESERVED5 (OGM_DUMMY + 0x14)
#define OGM_RESERVED6 (OGM_DUMMY + 0x15)
#define OGM_RESERVED7 (OGM_DUMMY + 0x16)
#define OGM_RESERVED8 (OGM_DUMMY + 0x17)
#define OGM_RESERVED9 (OGM_DUMMY + 0x18)
#define OGM_RESERVED10 (OGM_DUMMY + 0x19)
#define OGM_RESERVED11 (OGM_DUMMY + 0x1A)
#define OGM_RESERVED12 (OGM_DUMMY + 0x1B)
#define OGM_RESERVED13 (OGM_DUMMY + 0x1C)
#define OGM_RESERVED14 (OGM_DUMMY + 0x1D)
#define OGM_RESERVED15 (OGM_DUMMY + 0x1E)
#define OGM_RESERVED16 (OGM_DUMMY + 0x1F)
/* */
/* Parameter "Messages" passed to class methods */
/* */
struct ogmErase
struct GadgetInfo *ogm_GInfo;
BOOL ogm_BroadCast;
struct ogmGetRealBox
struct GadgetInfo *ogm_GInfo;
struct IBox *ogm_Frame;
ULONG ogm_Flags;
/* Flags for ogmGetRealBox.ogm_Flags */
#define GRB_F_ABSOLUTE (0x0000)
#define GRB_F_RELATIVE (0x0001)
struct ogmAddTarget
Object *ogm_Target;
struct TagItem *ogm_Map;
Tag *ogm_Filter;
struct ogmRemTarget
Object *ogm_Target;
/* */
/* VisualInfo Attributes */
/* */
#define OVI_Dummy (OGT_Dummy - 0x1000)
#define OVI_GimmeZeroZero (OVI_Dummy + 0x00)
#define OVI_AdaptWidthToFont (OVI_Dummy + 0x01)
#define OVI_AdaptHeightToFont (OVI_Dummy + 0x02)
/* */
/* TAGs handling */
/* */
struct TagItemMulti
Tag OriginalTag;
Tag MappedTag;
ULONG Value;
/* */
/* Memory handling */
/* */
struct OGT_PooledMemHeader
struct SignalSemaphore AccessSem; /* READ-ONLY */
struct MinList List; /* READ-ONLY */
ULONG Attributes; /* READ-ONLY */
#include <OGT/ObjectiveGadToolsBase.h>
extern struct ObjectiveGadToolsBase *ObjectiveGadToolsBase;
#include <OGT/ObjectiveGadTools_protos.h>
#include <OGT/ObjectiveGadTools_lib.h>